

在买轮胎时, following your vehicle manufacturer’s recommendations is the failsafe way to the select tires that are best suited for you. 了解轮胎的特性, 要考虑的主要特征包括:轮胎尺寸, 轮胎类, 胎面类型.

大小 -轮胎的尺寸由许多因素决定,包括截面宽度, 纵横比, 和车轮直径. Abiding by manufacturer specifications will assure the best fit and performance for your vehicle.

Class – The class of tire you chose should be determined by the how you use your vehicle and where you use it. 在经历各种天气条件的地区, 全季轮胎是一个很好的选择, 但如果你住在冰雪严重的地方, 你需要上冬季班. 如果你看重舒适性和响应性,一个旅行级轮胎将满足您的需求.

胎面 -胎面类型应根据您所行驶的道路类型或地形选择. 胎面花纹包括多向花纹, 不对称, 定向, 全地形, 高速公路, 和更多的, 每个都提供不同的性能优势.

作为轮胎专家,韦德1946官方会让您轻松购物! 韦德1946官方将帮助您找到最好的轮胎,以匹配您的车辆建议, 驾驶风格, 和预算.


保护你的轮胎投资从适当的维护开始. 保养良好的轮胎不仅能延长磨损和胎面寿命, 它们大大提高了车辆的安全性.

  • 轮胎压力 -正确的胎压对可靠操作至关重要, 有效的牵引, 以及最佳的轮胎寿命. Properly inflated tires will assure that the vehicle’s weight is equally distributed, 导致磨损均匀. Factors such as temperature change and leaks can affect tire pressure so it is important to check it often.
  • 轮胎旋转 -轮胎旋转是确保胎面均匀磨损的关键因素. 取决于车辆的类型和你具体的胎面磨损模式, 不同类型的轮转模式将是最有益的. Having your tires rotated by automotive professionals will provide this service as well as the opportunity to detect other issues before them become serious problems.
  • 前轮定位 – Problems resulting from improper 轮 alignment include poor vehicle handling and steering, 以及不均匀和快速胎面磨损. 许多因素会影响对齐, 包括一起小事故, 可能不会造成明显的身体损伤. 定期检查你的路线可以防止一系列的问题.

您的汽车制造商手册将提供正确维护的指导方针. 你可以指望韦德1946官方帮你照顾你的轮胎和你的车, 并在您需要时提供专业的韦德1946官方网站.



在路上, the 安全 of every driver and passenger depends greatly on the quality of the tires that carry them. 尽管如此, tires are likely something the average person does not give much thought to until they need to be repaired or replaced. 对于每一位车主来说,花一点时间了解一下轮胎是值得的. 虽然韦德1946官方的轮胎101节不会让你成为轮胎专家, it will provide you with a basic tire overview and get you a little better acquainted with your tires.

The technology behind the tires of today combines advances in engineering and chemistry, 以及对物理的深刻理解. 最新的设计提供最好的性能, 乘坐舒适, 燃油效率, 安全, 和可靠性. 今天的轮胎也是为了满足特定的车辆需求而开发的, 或者在某些气候条件下表现良好.

轮胎由许多不同的元素组成, 在一台掘进机里组装的, 或轮胎制造机. 组装后,轮胎被固化并完成精确的规格. 轮胎的基本组成部分包括:

  •  – the tire gets its strength from the bead, which is a loop of high-strength, rubber coated cable. This strength allows the tire to stay mounted on the 轮 rim and enables it to withstand mounting machine pressure when rims are installed.
  • 体厚度 -轮胎由多层或多层织物组成, 哪些是橡胶涂层密封在空气中,促进轮胎元素粘合. 织物类型可能包括聚酯线和凯夫拉. 胎体的层数反映了它的强度.
  • 带包 – steel belted radial tires incorporate bands of steel, which reinforce the area under the tread. The benefits of steel belts include greater puncture resistance and better road surface contact.
  • 侧壁 -提供横向稳定性, the tire sidewall protects the tire and gives it good resistance to abrasion and environmental factors. 侧壁s also provide a thick rubber area upon which raised identification letters and decorative features are molded.


如果你曾经洗过车或检查过胎压, 你可能已经注意到每个轮胎的侧面都有一个代码, 它看起来像这样: P205/55R16 89 h. This seemingly random combination of letters and numbers can tell you a lot about your tires, 如果你知道如何破解密码. 实际上, 没有什么秘密——这个规范代码是, 在很大程度上, 对所有轮胎制造商来说都是一样的. alpha数字系统显示轮胎类型及其性能特征.

P205/55R16 89H 轮胎类型

The kind of tire and the use intended are indicated by the first letter in the code. 字母名称包括 P 主要用于乘用车, T 作为临时备用, LT 对于轻型卡车公制, C 商业用途,及 ST 特殊拖车服务. 欧制轮胎不包括这个第一个字母描述符.

P205/55R16 89H 部分宽度

斜杠之前, 在第一个字母之后, 轮胎的截面宽度以毫米为单位列出. This is the widest point from sidewall-to-sidewall, so a larger number indicates a wider tire. 在本例中,轮胎的宽度为 205 毫米.

P205/55R16 89H 纵横比

斜杠标记后面是长宽比, which is described as a percentage and gives the height of the tire from the bead to the top of the tread. Here the number is 55, which means the tire height is 55% of the section width of 205 毫米. 这个轮胎的高度是133.25毫米. 较低的数字表示较低的轮胎轮廓

P215/70R16 100S 轮胎结构

The construction of the tire is indicated by the letter following the 纵横比. 最常见的名称是 R,代表径向结构. 其他不太常见的现代乘用车结构类型可能包括 D 适用于斜交层结构和 B 用于带式轮胎.

P205/55R16 89H 轮直径

The number following the construction code is the size of the 轮 that the tire will fit in inches. 示例轮胎将被设计成适合 16寸 轮. 现代汽车的轮胎尺寸通常从13英寸到18英寸不等, 但是定制包装车轮可以是22英寸甚至更大.

P205/55R16 89H 性能指标
轮胎的性能指标通常与车轮直径有关, 表示轮胎的载重和速度等级. 在这种情况下, 89负载指数表示1,279磅(每个轮胎), H的速度等级代表130英里每小时. The speed rating tends to be more significant in countries with roadways that are not subject to speed limits.


马克斯. 英里每小时
L 75
M 81
N 87
P 93
Q 99
R 106
S 112
T 118
U 124
H 130
V 149



Sufficient tire tread depth is an essential factor in vehicle handling and traction. 事实上, 轮胎胎面深度非常重要, 美国法律要求轮胎有清晰可见的胎面磨损指示条. 然而,这些杠可能很难看到,直到胎面磨损良好. 最简单的测量轮胎胎面深度的方法, 确保轮胎的安全, 是用久经考验的硬币测试吗.


  • 拿起一分钱,让上面出现“韦德1946官方信仰上帝”的字样. 把它放在轮胎凹槽的五个不同部分, 注意到林肯头部的可见性.
  • 如果你能一直看到林肯的头顶, 这意味着胎面磨损过度, 是时候去买一套新轮胎了.
  • If the top of Lincoln’s head (to about the forehead hairline) is consistently covered throughout the tread grooves, 胎面状况良好,你的轮胎可能不需要更换.

监测胎面深度和磨损是汽车维修中极其重要的一步, 不仅要确保轮胎的胎面形状良好, 还要检查其他问题的症状,例如:

  • 轮胎过度膨胀——胎面中心极度磨损
  • 轮胎充气不足-轮胎肩过度磨损
  • 车轮对中不良-胎面磨损不均

保护你的轮胎投资和保持安全的道路. 记住——省下的一分钱是检查胎面深度的好工具!


在选择轮胎时, 重要的是要考虑高质量的品牌和坚实的价值等因素, 但它也是必不可少的选择正确的轮胎为您的车辆类型. It is also imperative that driving conditions be a major consideration in making a tire selection. Several types of tires are available to suit every kind of vehicle and all driving conditions.


All season tires are a widely used and most popular variety of tire, carrying S and T speed rating. 轿车和小型货车通常标配全季轮胎. All season tires are developed to handle most conditions from dry pavement to wet weather and moderate snow. 全季轮胎的特点包括舒适和安静的驾驶, 可靠的处理, 以及长胎面寿命. All season tires are a good choice for most drivers, except where winters are severe. 对于在大多数气候下的全年牵引力,全季轮胎是一个很好的选择.


A tread with gripping edges for better handling on snow and ice distinguishes winter tires from all season tires. Often winter tires are developed with a softer rubber compound that remains flexible in temperatures of extreme cold. Winter tires are not the best performers for driving on cleared roads because they tend to not grip as well as all season tires and tend to wear more quickly. 冬季轮胎应该在极端寒冷的天气下使用. Winter tires should be used in sets of four for balanced handling and optimal grip for braking in snow and icy conditions.


Drivers looking for the all-around best performing tires in mild climates and seasons will find summer tires offer a performance level above all season tires. 夏季轮胎, 顾名思义, 完全不适合在冰雪中驾驶吗, 但在干燥和潮湿的道路上,在温和的温度下,它们的操控性很好. 这是因为夏季轮胎中使用了较软的化合物, 不像冬天用的轮胎, 在较冷的温度下变硬. 而夏季轮胎则增强了性能, 他们往往有较短的寿命和更快的胎面磨损.


Run-flat tires are a self-supporting type of tire that can be used on light trucks and passenger cars. 开发了比传统轮胎更厚的侧壁, run-flat tires are able to support the weight of the vehicle even when entirely deflated. Run-flat tires are capable of operating without air pressure for 50-200 miles at 50-55 英里每小时 (depending on the tire) while maintaining virtually the same level of 乘坐舒适 and handling. 因为任何气压损失都不会被驾驶员察觉, vehicles using run-flat tires must be equipped with a tire pressure monitoring system. 如果漏气轮胎在没有适当胎压的情况下行驶时间过长, 它们可能会受到无法挽回的损害.


